Investor Relations

Overview of the Sunstar shares


Founded 1969
Share capital CHF 80 million
Denomination 77‘000 'Series A' registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1'000
3‘000 'Series B' registered shares, with a nominal value of CHF 1'000
Listing / Trading
„Serie A“
OTC-X of the Berner Kantonalbank (BEKB) and
Lienhardt & Partner Privatbank Zürich AG
Identification Security No. 19.749.084 / ISIN: CH0197490847
Share price OTC-X der Berner Kantonalbank: current price
Lienhardt & Partner Privatbank Zürich AG: current price
Annual cash dividend CHF 0 (2020) CHF 0 (2019) CHF 0 (2018) CHF 0 (2017) CHF 0 (2016) CHF 0 (2015) CHF 0 (2014) gross; subject to with holding tax
Annual dividend in kind CHF 50 (2020) CHF 50 (2019) CHF 40 (2018) CHF 40 (2017) CHF 40 (2016) CHF 40 (2015) CHF 40 (2014) CHF 40 (2013) CHF 30 (2012) in the form of shareholder vouchers
Tax purposes 2018 CHF 850 (31.12.2018)
Right to excercise
shareholder rights
Shareholder rights, especially voting rights and any associated rights
or subscription rights can only be exercised by the named shareholder
registered in the share register.




cash dividend

Business trends permitting, shareholders receive a cash dividend This is automatically credited to your account by your bank. For two trading days after the General Meeting, the share is traded "ex-"dividend. The dividend is paid on the ex-dividend date plus three trading days.

dividend in kind

For each registered share they own, Sunstar shareholders receive one shareholder voucher worth CHF 50 which can be used in payment for bed/breakfast (daily rate as per current price list) at all Sunstar hotels, up to a maximum of 50% (with Loyalty Card up to 60%). Shareholder vouchers cannot be redeemed at Sunstar hotels over the New Year period or between 1 February and 10 March (based on the date of arrival.

These shareholder vouchers will be sent to you automatically (for effective date see below); they are non-transferable and expire on 20 December (last date for arrival) of the calendar year following the date of issue. 

Important: Vouchers are only accepted on bookings made directly via Sunstar (the hotels, the Sunstar website, the Reservations Centre). They cannot be accepted on bookings made via tour operators, travel agents, Internet platforms etc. They can be combined with our Sunstar Loyalty Programme.

Investor Relations

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